Thursday, March 7, 2013

Emancipation What?

I think as some folks passed by my blog this past week they thought I hadn't posted anything new. Fact is, there are two posts with similar names to my post of a couple weeks ago.  "Big Yellow Dog" is about our big yellow lab - Sasha.  "Encounter With Yellow Dog" (Parts 1 and 2) is a memoir about this scruffy stray dog I met at a Kmart.

Today, as I was with my after school group, we were talking about the biography project we have underway in my classroom.  Each child was taking a turn sharing about the person they are studying.  One of my kids is studying Abraham Lincoln and was telling about how he had freed the slaves.  I asked if she knew what that document was called that made slavery in the US illegal.

"Hmmm, Apoclomation something?"

"Sort of...

"Apantsamation Condensation!" said another.

"It's Apropomation Condensation, silly," came another attempt.

"Apocolaption Problemation...

"Complimation Mapatation...

"Pondamation Condensation...

"I know it's Condensation something...

"No, that's from science...

"Pransamation Aclimation...

"Epantsimation Aprocolaption...

I didn't get them all, but these were about half of their APPROXIMATION PROCLAMATIONS.

I should have had my phone out recording these because we tickled each other with the attemptamations.  I am not so used to my new technology yet.

Inspired by my photogramation friend Nic, I did have my phone out to snap this picture of some cool clouds the other day.

1 comment:

Mr. Hass' Class said...

I can't pretend as though I don't have to stop and think about that one -Emancipation Proclamation - each time we come to the Civil War in class. It's a mouthful! I used to have trouble reading the word "photography" without ending pronouncing it "PHOTO - GRAFFY." I'm sure there are lots of others. Didn't Bill Cosby have a whole show based on this? The Things Kids Say, or something like that?