Saturday, August 9, 2014

34 Years

Saturday, August 9, 1980 -

Most people spend more on just their flowers than we spent on our entire wedding.  Far more.  It was simple.  Elegant.  Heidi was the most beautiful bride ever.  Her dress was uncomplicated.  She didn't need anyone to pull her dress around when she walked up the aisle and got situated in front of me.  I had a band collar shirt.  No tie.  My brother Dan stood up with me.  He wore a simple suit.  No tux.  Heidi's sister Paula stood up with her.

We wrote our vows.  Our friends played the music.  I played and sang on a couple too (Oh, Happy Day).  We didn't mash cake into each other's faces.

When I was a kid I didn't think I'd even live to be 34 years old.  And now to be married to Heidi Mills for 34 years...

We were best friends.  Thing is, we still are.  I feel like the luckiest guy who ever walked the face of the earth.  And while more days are behind us than lie ahead, I look forward to each one, waking up next to this woman who is as beautiful in her heart as she is on the outside.  And everyone who knows her knows it.


Unknown said...

Beautiful, Tim! I'm thankful to know both of you!

The Dashboard Poet said...

There must be nothing to compare to what you've so elegantly described. I would like to know that wonder as well...I can only imagine. Thanks, Tim, for that simple, amazing portrait of marriage. In these darkening days, I think that's important.
~ James

Emily said...

"And everyone who knows her, knows it." Indeed. The love that the two of you grow makes our world a better place. I'm grateful.

Ruth Anne O'Keefe said...

Did you notice how young you two were 34 years ago?! Many congrats on making the very best marriage for 34 years!